Archives for July 2012

When Crabs Come, When Crabs Go

The Indian Ocean is extremely beautiful for its wild life and vegetation that shows its versatility under the surface of the wavy water. There are fish of all kinds, many of these are hunters and many others are hunted. These try to hide among the green seaweed and orange and yellow sponges of all shapes […]

Don’t Push Your Luck

In Natal, where I lived, we had the luck of having the mountains nearby. Our town, Pietermaritzburg, was surrounded by a mountain range in the shape of a horse shoe with the open end facing towards the sea. These mountains were not very high, but they attracted many people who did trekking or free-climbing. I […]

Where is the ball?

There are people who always lose their car keys and glasses, but then find them again after much frustration. I have never lost my glasses, simply because I have never had any as they haven’t invented any that can help blind people. When I still had some sight I never lost my car keys, because […]